Team Organization
A team consists of the following functions. Some coaches prefer to do it all and other will encourage parents to take over some of the responsibility.
- Manage players
- Coordinate parents
- Coordinate with other teams (scrimmages, etc.)
- Schedule and coordinate practices
Attend monthly club meetings (alternate, see Team Manager below)
- Fill out game cards
- Handle player paperwork
- Call players on game changes and/or rain-outs
- Attend monthly club meetings
- Help with practices
- Manage players
- Backup coach for emergencies
- Attend monthly club meetings (alternate)
- Fund raiser coordinator
- Half time & end of games drinks/snacks coordinator
- Player participation awards/trophy
- End of year party
- Coordinate/assist field management team
- Put up and/or take down game nets
- Arrange to mow and mark fields
- Submit winning game stories to South Belt Leader
- One or more parents should consider taking and become a certified referee.
- Mow game and practice fields
- Mark game and practice fields
- General club-wide field maintenance and improvements